Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Google it" versus human interaction

Image result for image of mobile users

I have been noticing an on-going trend to forgo discussions with real people and opt for using google as the go to place to answer whatever question your heart desires.  Back a few years, prior to google, individuals that possessed knowledge were valued.  The holding and retention of information created discussions among individuals.  These discussions eventually turned into friendships, friendships turned into relationships where none existed and so went the world.  It certainly can be argued that the advent of the internet and its social media appeal gives rise to more opportunities to discuss matters and seek out and create more relationships easier and faster.   It is the quality of the relationship that sounds the tornado warning.   Now enter Google, literally at our finger tips, to ask and answer questions at break neck speeds. Why bother having a discussion with anyone except you and your device?  How intimate.

So why is it so important that we have real conversations with real people?  Human nature is the answer.  I can explain the concept of high tech high touch but it may be moot given we live in a world where device interaction is more important than human interaction.

I believe speaking directly to people and knowing how to "read" them will be a skill that will be taught in the future.  So maybe its time to raise up your head, take a look around and speak.  The world will be a better place.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal

Over the last few decade it has been interesting to watch our federal government continue to classify marijuana as a Schedule I drug. If it wasn't such a serious offense it would be laughable. Actually it is laughable and STUPID! The DEA defines Schedule 1 as substances, or chemicals as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Some examples of Schedule I drugs are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana (cannabis), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), methaqualone, and peyote (https://www.dea.gov/druginfo/ds.shtml)

There is little doubt today that marijuana has a host of medicinal affects for a host of ailments in different parts of the body including the mind.  Even in backward states, like Georgia, the state has legalized medical marijuana oil use for certain medical conditions after parents of afflicted children embarrassed the legislators by leaving the state, splitting families creating undue economic and emotional  hardships, to states where it was legal in order to treat their children.   But the federal government through militarized agencies, like the DEA, spy, plot, survey, interrogate, arrest, imprison and other tactics against its own citizens who choose to use marijuana continue to classify in the same class as Heroin.

From NORML  (http://norml.org/component/zoo/category/recent-research-on-medical-marijuana)

Humans have cultivated and consumed the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant, colloquially known as marijuana, since virtually the beginning of recorded history. Cannabis-based textiles dating to 7,000 B.C.E have been recovered in northern China, and the plant's use as a medicinal and mood altering agent date back nearly as far. In 2008, archeologists in Central Asia discovered over two-pounds of cannabis in the 2,700-year-old grave of an ancient shaman. After scientists conducted extensive testing on the material's potency, they affirmed, "[T]he most probable conclusion ... is that [ancient] culture[s] cultivated cannabis for pharmaceutical, psychoactive, and divinatory purposes."

Let me get back to the point of this post which is why marijuana should be legal.  I will keep it simple. I understand there are religious and social objections against legalization and I will not get into them in this writing.  Attempting to change one's opinion that is tied to deep religious or social belief systems is an impossible undertaking, a fool's errand.

1. Stop putting children in jail - This is number one and my number one reason for legalization.  Nothing good comes from jailing kids for marijuana use and selling.  It is less expense to keep kids in school instead of youth detention camps and it is certainly better for society if we keep kids in school instead of prison.

The notion that marijuana is a gateway drug is as ridiculous as saying breast milk is a gateway drug.  Every pot smoker, in all probability, was nursed on breast milk.  Does this make breast milk a gateway drug?

2. Have an alternative to alcohol - Everyone understands, unless their heads are in the sand, alcohol is a very dangerous drug negatively affecting every aspect of life from individuals, families to society at large.  It kills, it creates violence, it affects brains, rips families apart, creates economic hardship and creates huge expense to our healthcare system.  But if you watch the commercials you would think beer is the new "mana" from heaven where all who drink are surrounded by beautiful people all having a great time with no worries in the world.  They never show the aftermath.  Morning news shows on major networks have their co-hosts regularly point out the virtues of wine with many times wine in hand.  There is a certain mind set out there that wine is safe. Crazy if you think about it. The point is society needs a better and safer alternative.  Those who argue alcohol and marijuana are the same or similar are just IDIOTS.  Thank God state legislators, now 26 states, noticed the tax revenue collection potential.  This was enough incentive to make the other issues manageable.

3. Medical Benefits - Marijuana medical studies are being conducted all over the world with many proven benefits being used every day on people of all ages, including children.

4.  Tax Boom - In 2015 Colorado collected more from pot sales than alcohol ...collected almost $70 million in marijuana taxes during that time, nearly double the $42 million collected from alcohol taxes. (http://time.com/4037604/colorado-marijuana-tax-revenue/).  Even small towns are benefitting as seen in this 2016 story - From small towns that barely dot the map to the state’s largest urban areas, revenue from retail marijuana sales is helping communities address homelessness, send children to college, patch potholes, secure water rights and fund an array of projects.

Aurora is using $1.5 million of its revenue from pot sales and fees to address its homeless issue. Money also is going to road improvements and a new recreation center.

Adams County has earmarked more than $500,000 for scholarships for low-income students. Wheat Ridge keeps its revenue in the city’s general fund, and it’s used in a variety of areas. The same goes for Northglenn, where five marijuana stores generated $730,000 in 2015. The money will go toward water purchases and capital improvements to infrastructure and city facilities. (http://www.thecannabist.co/2016/05/27/colorado-marijuana-sales-tax/55118/)

5. Redirect law enforcement budgets - Too much is spent by law enforcement to combat, detain, arrest, imprison and  parole offenders for breaking one of many marijuana laws. From the Huffington Post we find: Marijuana prohibition now costs state and federal government as much as $20 billion a year, an economist told The Huffington Post — and legalization efforts are only just beginning to chip away at that.

That number comes from Jeffrey Miron, a senior lecturer at Harvard University who in 2010 studied the likely impacts of drug legalization, finding that about $8.7 billion would be saved on law enforcement and another $8.7 billion would be generated from taxes on marijuana. Accounting for inflation, that would add up to about $20 billion now, he said. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/20/marijuana-prohibition-costs_n_3123397.html)

It is interesting to note you will be able to smoke medical marijuana in Florida (law passed in 11/2016 election) by if you cross into Georgia you could face several years in prison.  How is this fair?  Terror tops the list when to comes to protecting citizens.  Why are we chasing pot smokers versus re directing resources to fight terror.  What about inner city crime?  Cities, like Chicago, have already had over 500 murders at the time of this writing.  Redirect to fight and solve violent crimes.  Many communities have overstretched police resources.  Having them freed up from chasing kids smoking pot, or anyone for that matter, allows them to focus on severe threats.

This sums it up for me.  Thank you

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Immigration Debate

Advocates of harsh immigration laws and policies continue to fail to see the benefits immigrants(legal or illegal) bring and without them they readily dismiss the economic penalties imposed on local governments and business.  Two arguments central to the debate include illegal immigrants are taking jobs Americans want and need and that insuring only US citizens can utilize state services.

The first argument is almost a joke and if wasn't for over 50% of Americans not being able to get out of high school this would not be up for discussion.  Georgia has one of the harshest anti-immigration laws on the books and it also has one of the highest unemployment and lowest high school graduation rates which makes it fertile ground for stewing hate and condemn a whole ethnic group.  Georgia unemployment has not changed since trying to run out illegal immigrants but what has occurred are jobs no one willing to fill.  Three reasons for this exist; lack of training for desired jobs, Georgians not really interested (not capable) in doing the type of work illegals perform and the unemployment generosity of the government sucks out any incentive to work.  Initially when Georgia enacted its first round of anti-immigration laws farmers were left empty handed when it came to hard manual labor usually performed by illegal immigrants.  Georgia officials came to rescue but no one showed up until they bussed in prisoners to do the work.  They lasted less than one week.  OK who wants to do manual farm work anyway.  But what about construction jobs.  Prior to the recession in 2008 I can not tell you how many white, tobacco chewing, overweight, uneducated, white men Georgia officials paraded in front of TV cameras in commercials and announcements deriding illegals for taking what were once high paying construction jobs.  Please note that the high flying build out of America prior to the recession would have been possible without the low cost labor brought in from Mexico and other countries.

Fast forward to June 2013 prior to passage of the new immigration reform bill and the far right has a new argument supporting Americans not taking jobs once performed by illegals.  After driving out many illegals over the last 4 years America is left with no workers and certainly no young workers to perform much of the work.  With mounting evidence Americans will not perform many jobs illegals once performed for example  manual farm labor, due to of difficulty is all wrong.  The new argument is "The pay is not sufficient".  The new argument suggest if pay was high enough American would perform the work.  Illegals drove the price down so low Americans will not work for such depressed wages.  The right sure gives illegals a lot of credit and sway over our economy.  As long as America fails to take responsibility for their presence the problem will never be solved.  As long as America refuses to have dialogue with Mexican Americans over Hispanic issue the problem will never be solved.  As long as the right believes all illegals once naturalized with vote Democratic.  They fail to understand Russians, Irish, Canadians, and other non-Hispanics are here illegally as well in very large numbers.  Texas and Arizona both boasts large Hispanic populations but yet Republicans win the governor's mansion.  If the right really understand they would focus on the 50% of legal Hispanics that do not vote and convert them and not worry about voters that will not be eligible for at least 10 years or two almost three presidential election cycles.   

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Immigration Deal is Modern-day Slave Labor

The "gang of Eight" is set to make an immigration deal. 

The deal is mostly about Mexicans crossing the border illegally and the  11 million already here again mostly Mexican.  Yet interesting enough or least a factoid there is not one Mexican American, largest ethnic group in the country, in the bunch.  Most of our Hispanic leaders, at least politically, are not Mexican descent either.  In this  group we have a Cuba born and a Puerto Rican senator.  How many Puerto Ricans have immigration issues and are struggling to get into this country.  With all due respect to our Puerto Rican brothers they do not have the first clue what it means to live in fear having the most powerful country in the world hunting you down separating you from your family to expel you after living in this country as a contributor for 10 plus years. Why are there not any Mexican Americans at the table?  Not even one worker is represented. And make no mistake this is a work agreement not an immigration agreement.  It s is a way to secure cheap labor for this country for now and in the future.  Currently 10,000 Americans per day turn 65.

This deal is not really about providing a path to citizenship to the estimated 11 million undocumented. It is more about this country exercising basic economics by taking advantage of cheap labor from south of the border.  What this agreement seeks is cheap uneducated and unskilled labor with employers never having to provide any tangible benefits to the workers - modern day slave labor.  Even the unions have objected to any undocumented worker (or Mexican worker) having any rights to advance or bring any skill sets to perform electrical work or drive heavy equipment. Most groups and individuals working on the immigration agreement, including the gang of eight, will only agree to move this forward if only uneducated and unskilled labor is allowed.  The US needs a labor pool they can give "the most dangerous, dirtiest, back breaking, with no potential to advance jobs that no one in their right mind would ever dream of doing" to.  After the country's last purge attempt of Mexican labor it did prove many Americans are not willing to work and certainly will not work at the jobs most Mexicans are willing to do.  As an example, labor shortages are being blamed from keeping the construction market from expanding.  Why with unemployment still north of 7% in most states?  Construction was a predominately Hispanic labor market paraded in front of TV cameras by anti-immigrant hate groups as a job killer for Americans.  Now there is a shortage!  Who is going to pick tomatoes, cherries, apples, cucumbers, etc.? 

Most Americans have no idea the mistreatment farm workers have received in this country for the purpose of providing our dinner tables low cost meats, fruits and vegetables. Many families live crowded in one room shacks on blocks with no running water or indoor plumbing of any kind.  Child labor laws are thrown out the window.  One does not have to go to Africa or the far east to lobby against child labor and cruelty just look to our farms and food processors.  Educating their children is seen as burden to American taxpayers with many states passing local legislation preventing children of illegals from attending school under the guise of protecting our children and our education resources.   Although illegals pay taxes they receive no representation.   There is something fundamentally wrong denying children an education regardless of the circumstances.

Since most Americans are blind to the squalor farm workers live in our new immigration agreement will allow, if passed, for more people to live like this.    Heaven forbid we ask Americans to do this work.  Georgia tried this approach and finally tried prison labor paying them a fare rate and they quit.   Because the work is hard, it is hot when performed, and it is required every day 10 hours per day.  Crops do not wait to be picked,  When they are ready they must be picked.  Our new immigration agreement will insure 21st century slavery with the farms acting as modern day plantations.  The color of the skin is close enough. 

I wonder what Congress will do to make sure only uneducated and unskilled workers are allowed.  What kind of test do you give to someone to prove they are to dumb to not want to advance their lives and that of their families.  How does someone design a test so only untalented people with no desire to advance to drive heavy equipment or install electrical wire are allowed to enter our great nation that promises the American dream to any one that works hard and advances?  I guess we are going to have to add an asterisk.  Is it fair for our country to fight for human rights and human dignity when we us the power of out government to repress a whole class of workers through an immigration agreement?  It is fair for our country to work in far away lands to educate and pull people out of poverty and then create laws through an immigration agreement designed to keep an underclass under and an uneducated class uneducated?  What do you think?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sand Hook Elementary School Massacre - The Wrong Debate

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

Police arrive in front of the elementary school after the shooting.
LocationNewtown, Connecticut, United States
Coordinates41°25′12″N 73°16′43″WCoordinates41°25′12″N 73°16′43″W[1]
DateDecember 14, 2012
c. 9:35 am – c. 9:49 am[2][3] (EST)
TargetStudents and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School
Attack typeSchool shootingmurder–suicide,matricidespree shooting
Deaths28 total; 27 at the school (including perpetrator) and perpetrator's mother (at home)[4][5]
PerpetratorAdam Peter Lanza[7][8]
I found this on Wikipedia:
On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, 20, 
 fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut.[4][5] Before driving to the school, Lanza had shot and killed his mother Nancy at their Newtown home.[7][9][10] As first responders arrived, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
The incident is the second deadliest shooting in American history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. It is the second-deadliest mass murder at an American elementary school, after the 1927 Bath School bombings in Michigan.[11][12]
The shootings prompted renewed debate about gun control in the United States, and a proposal for new legislation banning the sale and manufacture of certain types of semi-automatic weapons and magazines with more than ten rounds of ammunition.[13
As you can read it lead America into the world of gun debate and school safety. How do we protect our children in school?  In this country when mainstream media, or frankly all media outlets, are discussed it is usually refers to liberal versus conservative broadcasts.  Both the left and right see this as the primary debate.  However, this is not the focus of this writing I do want to point out the debate should be focused on how we view news controlled and driven by Euro-Americans (whites) versus minorities and how the coverage negatively affects minority groups.     a discussion for a later time.  However, this is the case in this cowardly crime.  
Immediately after the shooting the whole world wondered how this can happen in America? How can someone massacre children?  Experts were paraded on TV trying to profile the killer and then attempting to understand the mind of the killer.  The media spent countless hours trying to help America come to terms with the shootings.  Everything about the 20 year old was mentioned except for one fact - young white male.  Why was this left out of the discussion?  
Let's go back over the last 15 years in America and look at the timeline of school killings I pulled up from Fox News Insider: http://foxnewsinsider.com/2012/12/14/timeline-major-school-shootings-in-the-united-states/

 Below is a timeline of some of the major U.S. school shootings:
Chardon, Ohio, February 27, 2012: A student opened fire in a cafeteria at Chardon High School, killing three students and injuring two others before he was arrested. 

Dekalb, Illinois, February 14, 2008: A former graduate student killed five students at Northern Illinois University before killing himself. 

Blacksburg, Virginia, April 16, 2007: A student killed 32 students and faculty at Virginia Polytechnic and State University in the worst single act of gun violence in U.S. history.
Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, October 2, 2006: An armed dairy truck driver selected the female students at a one-room Amish schoolhouse and shot them execution-style, killing five. The man then shot himself.
Tucson, Arizona, October 29, 2002: A failing student shot and killed three professors and then himself in a rampage at the University of Arizona School of Nursing.
Littleton, Co., April 20, 1999: Two students killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded more than 20 others before killing themselves at Columbine High School. 
Jonesboro, Ark., March 24, 1998: Two boys, ages 11 and 13, fired on their middle school from woods, killing four girls and a teacher and wounding 11 others. 

Add Jared Lee Loughner and James Eagan Holmes to the mix and a visible pattern emerges that very few want to discuss.  What is wrong with young white males in America?

What is the America white culture that produces this type of toxicity? American readily and easily explains Black and Hispanic shooters:  low education, no father figure, etc.  But what confuses them about white shooters.  Why are we, as a nation, not discussing how to prevent young white males from horrific crimes.  Maybe some left better to the white-controlled and dominated media outlets. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chavez is Dead!

Enough said.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shakespeare got it wrong!

In As You Like It, one of Shakespeare's characters, Jacques, said:

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."

Shakespeare was almost right. The world is not a stage it is a sales call. Even a newborn recognizes very quickly that crying outburst bring him food and attention. Any parent that has had children go through the "terrible two's"will testify to the fact that two year olds know that throwing temper tantrums brings rewards (i.e. getting what you want). This is a child's crude way of selling her/his point. This behavior continues throughout our lives as teenagers trying to be accepted, compromising with your parents and teachers, negotiating with your spouse and children and continue until the time we die. We are constantly in sales mode throughout life.

There is not one instance in our lives that we are not negotiating for something from someone. Everything we do in our lives is governed by how well we negotiate (or communicate) our position to get someone to do something for us that we need that they might not otherwise do for us. The problem, however, is that we are poor equipped with the basic selling skills necessary to win most of the negotiations that will be presented during our lifetime.

In all our of relationships business, personal, family, religious, and social we are constantly selling. I use the word "selling" in the sense that if the world is a sales call we are always, by definition, selling. In this competitive world refining and honing your communication skills or selling skills will help you advance in all areas of your life. The next time you are tyring to convince someone to do something or to get you something try using basic selling skills. Learning basic selling skills may help you effectively convey your wishes and have someone act on those desires. And see if this starts changing your life by getting all you ask for out of life.

Remember the world is a sales call.