I have been noticing an on-going trend to forgo discussions with real people and opt for using google as the go to place to answer whatever question your heart desires. Back a few years, prior to google, individuals that possessed knowledge were valued. The holding and retention of information created discussions among individuals. These discussions eventually turned into friendships, friendships turned into relationships where none existed and so went the world. It certainly can be argued that the advent of the internet and its social media appeal gives rise to more opportunities to discuss matters and seek out and create more relationships easier and faster. It is the quality of the relationship that sounds the tornado warning. Now enter Google, literally at our finger tips, to ask and answer questions at break neck speeds. Why bother having a discussion with anyone except you and your device? How intimate.

So why is it so important that we have real conversations with real people? Human nature is the answer. I can explain the concept of high tech high touch but it may be moot given we live in a world where device interaction is more important than human interaction.
I believe speaking directly to people and knowing how to "read" them will be a skill that will be taught in the future. So maybe its time to raise up your head, take a look around and speak. The world will be a better place.
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