This is the first time I have ever written to or posted information on the web concerning any of my thoughts and comments. After over 50 years of living on this planet I thought I could shed light on events happening around us, to us and with or without us. We are in the middle of war, upcoming elections, debating immigration, global warming, stem cell research, and the list goes on. Many of these debates are setting policy with our government that will influence the way we behave and how we pursue our right to happinees. The debates many times are ugly, rude, and hateful but worst of all there is little validation and verification of the information being used to sway one camp or another. How can we as Americans decide, vote and implement policy and law when the information we use to make these decisions may be flawed? How we keep our policitians accountable is by making them prove what they say is supported by fact not merely twistred data that they easily manipulate to state their position.
These debates have divided our country. Not just liberal and conservation but way worst. Dividing by ideaology, racial lines ( now we have added Hispanic to the black and white struggle), economic lines,and along religious custom and belief. Where are we headed? Where will we end up? With the power of the web we longer have to rely on the traditional sources of information from biased news organizations, inlcuding FOX, devious politicians, and a government beauracry so strong and powerful that whomever is the next president may not matter.
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