Caroline Kennedy is making her pitch to be the next senator of NY replacing Hillary Clinton as she moves to a cabinet position. I do not know whether or not Kennedy is qualified or not. This is not the topic I want to discuss but rather the schizofrenia of the American public and how short our memory is in relation to politics and the problems associated with it.
The big question "Is she qualified?" This seems to be the question the media and the pundits are fixated on. I really don't get it. We just went through 8 years of a congress receiving its lowest approval ratings from the public since inception. We had a president that has over 68% of Americans dis-approving of his job performance and we just elected a new president that only had 2 years of Seante experience. Is experience really an issue?
How can the public forget so easily? We, as Americans, want term limits to bring in fresh blood. We want to stop corruption and graft that make so many politicians wealthy ( see Bob Dole - poor Kansas farmer and came out of the senate a millionaire). We hate anyone in office that sets records for the amount of time they spent in the game. We have too many old white guys that have been at it too long but yet when it coms to what we need - a fresh, inexperienced voice- we reject it on the grounds of inexperience.
If its experience we want then recruit or elect the same hacks that have brought us to the brink of economic collapase, made us the bullies of the world, and have harmed our reputation maybe beyond repair. America, please make up your mind. We need different results by bringing in new and different prespectives. We can not get new results from the same old thing. WAKE UP!
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